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There are many different cuts of diamonds. From the classic round brilliant cut to the beautiful radiant cut to the modern cushion cut, each shape lends a different feel to your jewelry and never has this been truer than the moval shaped diamond.

Pink Moval Diamond

What exactly is a Moval Diamond?

The moval diamond is exactly what it sounds like – an elegant,
proportioned blending of a marquis cut diamond and an oval shaped
diamond. It is more elongated than a traditional oval cut, yet the ends still
hold a soft curve, unlike the defined points of a marquis cut stone.
Similar to the marquise, the moval diamond is an excellent choice for
someone looking to elongate their fingers, bring attention to their manicure
or simply have a different looking stone from the more common diamond

The moval diamond has found its way into several eras of jewelry-making,
from Edwardian to Art Deco, to the present day. Recently these stones
found their way into the Hamra Jewelers showroom in Scottsdale, Arizona.
In November 2017, The Pink Promise sold for 32.5 million at Christie’s in
Hong Kong, making it one of the 40 most expensive jewels sold at auction.
The ring was set with a 14.93 carat fancy vivid pink moval diamond with a
white diamond halo. The ring was described by Christie’s as “the Picasso
of the pink diamond world.”

Looking for ways to incorporate the moval cut into your jewelry
collection? Here are a couple of suggestions:

Moval Diamond Ring

The elegance of the moval diamond makes is an ideal selection for an engagement ring. With its timeless elegance, it’s a perfect way to symbolize your undying love. If you are already engaged or married, the moval diamond makes a great conversation piece when worn as an anniversary ring or a right-hand cocktail ring.

If you are intrigued by the moval diamond and would like to add one to your collection, please visit Hamra Jewelers in Scottsdale, Arizona – we would love to help you find the perfect stone. Contact us at 480-946-5110 and speak with one of our sales associates to learn more.

Moval Diamond Earrings

Moval diamonds are an elegant choice for earrings. They are perfect for a
drop or dangle either singly or with a diamond or gemstone halo. With their
unique shape, wearing them as earrings will always make a statement.