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The moment you’ve longed for finally happened: The man of your dreams popped the question! Soon the two of you will be united in front of your loved ones and embark on a new life together. But before you can get to “I do”, there’s a few details that need to be ironed out. And one thing that a lot of couples don’t think about ahead of time is how to find the perfect wedding band for the groom.

At Hamra Jewelers we take pride in our ability to help couples find their perfect rings. Here’s a few pointers you can use to help you choose the perfect wedding band for your future husband.

yellow gold diamond ring

take your time

The most important thing is to take your time. Try out a variety of different styles and look at all the options you have available. You want your big day to be perfect and the man you love deserves to have a band worthy of such a special occasion.

We have a wide selection of rings, and a knowledgeable, dedicated staff who will do everything they can to help you make the right choice.
white gold diamond ring

start early

Don't wait until the week before your wedding to get your bands. You and your fiance' should be out ring shopping at least two to three months prior to the wedding.

You will need that time to try on rings, talk about different styles and make an informed decision about your forever jewelry.
sapphire ring

size it right

Get your future husband to do a ring fitting. It’s important that when he does the ring fitting, he’s calm, and his body temperature is normal. Fingers can swell and contract due to heat, cold and water retention, so to find the most accurate and comfortable ring size for your man make sure he doesn’t do it first thing in the morning (your body retains salt from the night before), or right after exercising (which can make his fingers swell).
yellow gold diamond ring

consider your lifestyles

How your fiancé lives his life should also be an important consideration when choosing his band. Does he work with his hands a lot? Does he play sports regularly? Is he an outdoorsy type, or someone who works with sensitive materials? 

You want to pick a band that will be comfortable for him to wear every day that won’t be worn down by his day-to-day activities. For men who live very active lives, pick a band made from an extra durable metal. If he works with his hands, you may want to avoid rings with carvings or prominent gemstones, as carvings can trap dirt and gems can scratch surfaces. 

A wedding band should be beautiful and functional; you don’t want the symbol of your love to be an inconvenience.
diamond ring

don't be afraid to mix it up

Wedding bands don’t have to match. If you like rose gold and your partner prefers platinum, go for it! There’s no rule that says wedding bands must have the same type of metal or style. Let him pick something that reflects his individual style and personality. 

So long as they share one common element (perhaps a custom inscription, or a set stone), they’ll make an excellent pair of wedding bands.
yellow gold diamond ring

think long term

There’s nothing wrong with embracing jewelry trends, but it’s important that you both pick bands that you’ll be comfortable wearing for a long, long time. Your wedding band is something that you and your man will be wearing in all kinds of situations: at your jobs, at PTA meetings, at parties, at family gatherings and at all sorts of other functions. 

Pick rings that will look good on you both and feel comfortable all the time.

For more advice on how to choose that perfect wedding band, give Hamra Jewelers a call at 480-946-5110.